Sunday, November 8, 2009

The reality behind "post-partisanship"

I think this article from the Dallas Times Newspaper is very nonpartisan, neutral, and factual. This article is meant for both parties. Although the author stays unanimous in naming they seem somewhat knowledgeable in politics. The author is basically saying that although "change" was promised a year ago, nothing has really changed and both parties are pretty fed up with it. The author also states that even throughout parties there are divisions which makes it very hard for "change" when no one can agree on anything, even the President. I like how the author criticized both parties on how they aren't making the process easier. For the Democrats they can't agree on anything and for the republicans they are so focused on anti-Obama they don't want to focus on what needs to be done. I absolutely love the quotation the author uses about the President's political ideals, stated "the greatest risk we can take is to try the same old politics with the same old players and expect a different result." To sum everything up the author's point is that although its been a year not a lot has changed and both parties are somewhat to blame for it, which could be a reason why the polls are showing a decrease in the President's approval rate.

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