Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hutchinson Doesn't Know What She Wants

Instead of dropping out of the Senate for the Republican primaries for governor, Hutchinson has decided to stay until March of 2010. She feels there are several "important issues facing Congress for her to quit this fall as she had originally planned" from an article in the Eagle. Perhaps she thinks its her dire duty to the state of Texas to make these important decisions since a newly appointed senator could not do the deed. Are things looking up for the longest served governor in Texas, Rick Perry? I think so. Just by not showing up to the primaries could be the last straw for some Texans who would have voted for Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson. Of course Rick Perry is going to support her in the Senate stating "Hopefully this will allow her to be a full-time senator for the people of Texas." He would probably like her to stay there because she is one the most applicable candidate to run for Texas governor. This is a huge move for the Texas governor campaign.

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